Our Little String Bean

Jakob did well at his four month doctor's appointment today!  The doctor was super impressed with how social and strong he is, and she's pleased to hear how well he's starting to sleep through the night.  In his four months, he's more than doubled his birth weight, which is excellent!  He's still a peanut in terms of weight and head circumference, with his percentiles holding steady in the teens for both, but he really stretched out.  In fact, it was pretty funny to watch the nurse re-measure the marks she made for his length, because he jumped from the 8th percentile to the 45th percentile in length!  Dan and I actually laid him back on the table to see if she had made the marks correctly, and sure enough, he is in fact over 25 inches now.

He was very brave again for his shots, calming down quickly after getting them.  Hopefully he doesn't run a fever again, but he seems to be doing pretty well so far.  :-)  All in all, a wonderful appointment.

Here are a couple of pics from yesterday...

Yup, I captured it in his mouth :-)
Loving this toy now!
And another new chew toy (are they called chew toys for kids, or is it only for pets, ha!)


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