Lake Dunmore/Silver Lake

Well, camping wasn't entirely a success, although it was through no fault of ours.  When we got back from a two hour walk, a neighboring camper told us the rangers had come around to warn about EEE, a mosquito-carried disease that had been confirmed yesterday in two people living nearby Lake Dunmore.  Although DEET would be sufficient to keep the bugs away, we weren't comfortable spraying Jakob or ourselves with something like that, so we left.  BUMMER.

Before that, we had an awesome time, and Jakob was a champ.  The weather couldn't have been better for camping and hiking, so we got our lean-to set up and set out for a long stroll to and around Silver Lake.  On our way up, we saw a bear maybe 100 yards behind us running through the woods!  It was moving FAST, and although it looked huge to me, Dan assured me it wasn't a big one.  :-)  After we left Lake Dunmore, we headed to the Gilmans for a BBQ with friends.  So, even though the day didn't go exactly as planned, it was still a fantastic day!

Arriving at the Pine lean-to
Ready to camp

Loving the sound of the river in the background
Getting things set up

Time to check out the river!
So far, so good!
Mesmerized by the way the light moved in the water

Relaxing before the hike
Silver Lake
Lake Dunmore, from above
You can see Jakob's legs sticking out, but he was sleeping for all of the hike
Time to change out of those sweaty clothes

Playing in the tent
Tent tummy time


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