Stellar Stella

Well, that was quite a snowstorm!  Last weekend the local forecasters were saying the storm would largely miss us, maybe we would get a few inches.  More than 30 inches later (in Burlington, we probably have a few more than that), this was the second largest storm Vermont has had.  Two days of non-stop snow, often heavy at times, caused basically everything in the state to come to a standstill...except our DVD player, which had Moana on more times than I care to admit.  :-)  Fortunately the snow was wicked light and the winds never got too bad, so we never lost power.  Dan gave the snow blower a real workout, and the kids went out a couple of times to play.  They weren't feeling it though, because it was too powdery to build forts or snowmen, and the only way they could sled was if we dragged/pushed them.

Don't worry, she opted to lay like this.  She didn't fall down the stairs. :-)


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