Everleigh Update: Words, Jumping, Animal Sounds, and More

Everleigh's development has been astronomical lately!  She's able to jump and have both feet clear the ground now, and she loves to twirl in circles until she plops over.  She's getting pretty good at feeding herself with a spoon, and she loves to drink the milk out of a bowl of cereal by tipping it up to her mouth.  She's starting to get interested in climbing the stairs, but she's very good about waiting for an adult to help her down.

Her language is starting to come along nicely too.  She says please, thank you, bye bye, all gone, all done, up, help, paci, more, doggie, cat, Jakob and can repeat lots of words and colors.  She understands the concepts of no and mine, and she says both of those words...a lot.  She loves to make animal noises now too, which is adorable.  She's particularly good at owls, cows, dogs, cats, dinosaurs, and horses.  I think the other day she started trying to sing the alphabet song along with one of her toys, but it's possible that was in my head.  :-)  She definitely does love singing along with the "bumpity bump bump" part of Frosty the Snowman, however.

I think she's started getting her four two-year molars as well.  She spends a lot of time chewing on her fingers or pacifiers.

When she's in the right mood, she can eat as much food as an adult, and almost always eats more than Jakob.  Dan can put her down for the night in about 5 minutes, which includes drinking a bottle, although I never have that kind of luck with her.  Car trips are still a nightmare, but they're marginally better now that she's in a bigger seat.


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