
Showing posts from June, 2015

Practicing J's and Numbers


BBQ at the Detweilers' House

We are officially residents of Jericho, Vermont, and have been living in our new house fulltime since Thursday June 18th.  (Dan did about 95% of the moving and unpacking on his own...amazing!)  Before we left Huntington, our dear friends the Detweilers hosted a good-bye BBQ for us with our group of four families.  The kids had a blast running around, the food was delicious, and our friends gave us a beautiful and generous basket full of Huntington products.  We've been so lucky to make such fabulous friends, and although I'm sure we'll meet lots of families in Jericho sooner than later, I already miss seeing the Huntington crew regularly!   

Train Station Playground


Breakfast at Juniper's Fare

I'm hungry, so I'm eating some jelly while I wait for my pancakes Mommy says the jelly on my face makes kissing me even sweeter Where's the food!?! Look at the size of my pancake!!!

Jakob's Second Haircut

Wow, I'm so far behind with the blogging.  This time I have the move AND fulltime work to use as scapegoats.  :-)  We took Jakob to get his second haircut about a month ago.  Once again he was perfect throughout the trip, and he looks so handsome with his trimmed up style! I look like a lion with my wild hair Hello, hair doctor The spray bottle is still my least favorite part Mommy is so proud of me I earned new sunglasses for being such a good boy during my haircut!

More Fun with the Gilmans


"I Have Kisses For Everleigh"

When I picked the kids up from daycare yesterday afternoon, one of Jakob's teachers came over to tell me that every time they take his class out to the playground and Everleigh's class is outside too, Jakob will run over to her and say "I'll be right back.  I have kisses for Everleigh."  Then he'll run over to Everleigh to give her a big hug and kiss.  His teacher said he does this every single time he sees her on the playground.  Talk about melting my heart!

Everleigh Milestone: Teeth 7 & 8

Maybe this is what some of the increased fussiness lately is about!  Her top front teeth now have two very little friends poking through the gums around them.  Chow down!


Breakfast feast! Sticking out my tongue like a snake Slithering and smiling 



Everleigh's New Waterbottle

I'm thirsty.  What's a gal gotta do to get some refreshment around here? This water bottle is just like Jakob's, which I love, but it's pink! Glug glug glug YAY!


It must have seemed like a good idea in theory... I got in this box all by myself Umm, uh oh Help!

Pizza Store with the Gilmans

I can't wait to have pizza with Grahamster Here Graham, this is for you Look what we have! Cheese...literally! I'm a funny guy.  I'm also hungry, so bring on the pizza! I'm hungry too, and I can't wait until the pizza arrives to start eating