Say What?!
I figured this was a good time for a text update on what the kiddos are saying these days. Everleigh, who is an absolutely delightful baby these days, is cooing up a storm. She makes so many sounds that are similar to ones Jakob made when he was her age. She had been doing the same grunting (baby goose, as I liked to call them) sounds Jakob made when she was sleeping, but she's gotten past that stage already. When she's awake, she loves to stare up at smiling faces and uses the "goo" sound most often. In particular, she says "ah-goo" a lot, but she mixes in other sounds and happy, high-pitched squeals. She's a chatty little one!
Jakob continues to develop his vocabulary. He has a few Jakobisms that I love. When asked a question that he was to respond to in the affirmative, he says "Uh-huh yes." When asked a question that requires him to think, he'll often respond with a drawn out "Ummm..." or a "Maybeeeee..." He has his A-B-Cs down pat, complete with the typical toddler mashup of l-m-n-o. He can count to 10 confidently, up to twenty with some help, and occasionally will accurately count a few toys. His "l" still sounds like a "w," which is totally adorable. For example, he calls his sister "Evawee," his buddy "E-why," and says "wuv you."
Jakob has started asking us what we're doing ("Doing, Daddy?"), or where things are ("Where'd the train go?") He even likes getting our attention by saying "Watch this!" Granted he also gets our attention by screaming, but that's typical for a two year old too. :-) He fully identifies our family members when looking at pictures, and he remembers all the family members of our friends the Gilmans and the Nagurneys when I ask. Old MacDonald is his favorite song (he'll often stop the song and ask "what'd he have" when he wants you to tell him what animal was on the farm), but he loves twinkle twinkle, no more monkeys jumping on the bed, ba ba black sheep, and a host of others too.
They're both making up so proud!
Jakob continues to develop his vocabulary. He has a few Jakobisms that I love. When asked a question that he was to respond to in the affirmative, he says "Uh-huh yes." When asked a question that requires him to think, he'll often respond with a drawn out "Ummm..." or a "Maybeeeee..." He has his A-B-Cs down pat, complete with the typical toddler mashup of l-m-n-o. He can count to 10 confidently, up to twenty with some help, and occasionally will accurately count a few toys. His "l" still sounds like a "w," which is totally adorable. For example, he calls his sister "Evawee," his buddy "E-why," and says "wuv you."
Jakob has started asking us what we're doing ("Doing, Daddy?"), or where things are ("Where'd the train go?") He even likes getting our attention by saying "Watch this!" Granted he also gets our attention by screaming, but that's typical for a two year old too. :-) He fully identifies our family members when looking at pictures, and he remembers all the family members of our friends the Gilmans and the Nagurneys when I ask. Old MacDonald is his favorite song (he'll often stop the song and ask "what'd he have" when he wants you to tell him what animal was on the farm), but he loves twinkle twinkle, no more monkeys jumping on the bed, ba ba black sheep, and a host of others too.
They're both making up so proud!
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