Everleigh had a few important "firsts" over the weekend. Without a doubt, the most important and life changing one was when Dan got her to use the pacifier for the first time on Friday night. Since about the start of July, she had been having increasingly intense and long-lived fussy periods in the evening. By Friday night, there was almost always an hour of crying, followed by needing to be rocked for what felt like forever, then -- if we had a miracle -- she would finally fall asleep by 10 or 11. Not good for our psyche, Jakob's sleep, or Everleigh's overall wellbeing. Once Dan got her to use the pacifier, we popped it in on Saturday night and enjoyed a night with no crying. The evening fussiness is infinitely better, to the point where she barely fusses at all. In fact, the situation is so much improved that she fell asleep on her own in her bassinet for the first time last night. Ironically, this was a lot of work for us too, because it required us to pop the pacifier back in a number of times (possibly near triple digit times...kidding, but it was a lot). But she did it without being rocked or falling asleep on our chests, and that's HUGE for us! Obviously, there aren't any pictures of this.
However, we do have some pictures of Everleigh's first time dining out. She didn't have anything to eat, which goes without saying, but she was a perfect angel for us as we did. As you can see below, Jakob really enjoyed a mini-muffin while Everleigh cuddled with Dan.
Lastly, we took Everleigh to her first vineyard, the Huntington River Vineyard, on Saturday night. (For some reason, this important life event isn't in most baby books. Thankfully, the blog is a creature of my own imagination, so I can include it. She'll thank me in the future, I'm sure.) The weather was hot and sunny, but she was cool and calm as friends and neighbors met out lovely baby doll. There were a ton of kids around, and the pizza and wine were tasty, so we'll be sure to go again soon!
I'm at On The Rise in Richmond! |
Relaxing with Daddy while Mommy and Jakob eat |
This mini-muffin is SO GOOD! |
Enjoying the breeze at the vineyard |
Will I be a bigger fan of red or white? We have lots of time until we find out |
My buddy Asher is here, and we're playing soccer. HAND BALL! |
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