
We took Jakob down to the train station in Waterbury, Vermont on Saturday morning.  The train station is also a Green Mountain Coffee Roasters visitor center and cafe, so we sampled some beverages and crumb cake, which were delicious.  When we first arrived, about 30 minutes ahead of schedule for the passenger train, we heard train whistles the moment we got out of the car.  We were surprised the train would get in so early, but it turns out it was a freight train instead of the passenger train.  It hauled past where we were standing (about 2 feet from us) at full speed, gusting wind, snow, and salt into our faces and roaringly loud.  Needless to say, Jakob didn't love this.  He was slightly more pleased with the passenger train, which came in slowly and stopped, but we'll probably be a bit more successful with our later attempts now that he has a better idea of what to expect.

I'm appropriately dressed for our activity today
We may be going to see a train, but I like pretending to be a plane
I'm doing some lazy play to save my energy
I didn't particularly like that freight train experience
There are treats in here?
I like crumb cake
Grandma and I are spinning this cool globe
I've enjoyed the indoor activities at the train station more than the outside ones this time around


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