
Showing posts from January, 2014


Jakob can say "cookie" now.  :-) My first Oreo...I like it! Daddy twisted it, and now I have two!   I discovered I like the white cream best, so I'm willing to share the cookie part

Sunday Tradition: Playing with Eli

We love my fire truck I look forward to playing with Eli all week

Cat Cuddles

Hmm, what should I do now? Cat cuddles! Getting up on the table won't save you now that I've figured out how to climb up I did it!  I'm on the table with Kenya! I love my Kenya I'm so happy to snuggle with her Kenya is sniffing my cars Nothing beats a furry friend I'm practicing my soft pets Time for a quick game of peek-a-boo on the book shelf

Celebrating Graham's 2nd Birthday

We had the Gilmans over for a BBQ on Saturday night, which gave us a chance to give Graham his 2nd birthday gift a couple of weeks late.  The boys had so much fun playing together, and they even gave the adults a 20 minute window to sit, eat dinner, and have a conversation while they played! It's Graham's birthday, but I'm opening his gift Hello, Thomas! Being so silly behind the bed We love running around and screeching Quick break in the action to eat some hot dogs and mac and cheese The picture isn't great, but we liked to sit on the stairs by the front door when we needed to catch our breath I scream, Graham screams, we both scream for ice cream!

Random shots

My fire truck isn't usually on the table, but I'll make the most of this opportunity and play in it while it's there Enough fooling around.  Let's get the grocery shopping done. Apple time!

Hanging with Eli

I agreed to babysit Jakob's buddy Eli on Thursday afternoon.  After a little transition period for Eli, the boys settled into a great routine of playing, running around, and chasing the cats.  We had so much fun! Yes, I'm actually letting Eli play with some of my cars and trucks Here I am showing him how to drive the cars on the ramps Your turn, Eli Time to play a game of tag A play date is a great surprise when you wake up from your nap! What should we do next? You would think Kenya would have learned her lesson by now, but she still stays close to where we are playing


You're gonna hear me ROAR!

Red Rover

Apparently Jakob got ahold of a red marker at daycare on Tuesday...and he liked it. Exhibit A I LIKE RED MARKERS Kenya looks afraid, and she should be I'm all over the place this afternoon That's a lot of red marker I LOVE MARKERS!  LA LA LA! Not everything this afternoon is red.  There's some purple mountains out there!


I love my new raccoon fleece Please fix my slides Oops, I did it again

Relaxing Sunday

After a big night at the hockey game, we had a very quiet and enjoyable Sunday.  Eli came over in the morning to play, Jakob took a 3.5 nap, then we watched the Broncos beat the Patriots while eating popcorn and snuggling on the couch. Peek a boo! I look like Eli might have startled me Look what a good job I'm doing sharing my toys Mommy is so happy that I've been sitting on the couch with her to watch the game (and that the Patriots lost)

Jakob's First Hockey Game

We finally took Jakob to his first live sporting event: a college hockey game!  Scott and Anne invited us to join Chuck and Molly for a Dartmouth-Cornell game last Saturday night, so we took the trip down to White River Junction for dinner and a game.  Jakob loved checking out a new house, playing with his cousin Sam, taking the shuttle bus to and from the game, and the game itself.  He was awed by everything about the game...the lights, crowds, music, and food.  He spent a good amount of the game chasing tween girls around (they all thought he was adorable and funny, which encouraged him to chase them even more) and eating.  All in all, it was a ton of fun, and we're looking forward to taking him to see more live sporting events. Maggie and I are practicing for the hockey game Cousin Sam and I are playing with this spinning stool Grandpa is helping me get a bird's eye view of dinner I've been told we're waiting for a bus, but I'll believe it when I