
Showing posts from June, 2013

Some Random Shots

I love reading my new book about cats and shoes I also love eating cherries.  Can you tell I had some for lunch? Just like Daddy, I'm wearing just shorts and no shirt


This morning, I plopped Jakob down on his play mat and handed him his truck book.  He looked at it, looked at me, and said "truck."  Add this word to his list!!

Beat the Heat

Nothing beats playing with a hose on a hot summer day! Daddy is spraying me with the hose, and I love it! I need to stay hydrated during these hot days Apparently I'm very thirsty I'm going to stick my hand in front of that spray More water! HA! I can barely walk with this massive, heavy diaper! Summertime and the living is easy... ...and FUN!

New Trunks!

Jakob is rocking a new pair of swimming trunks, thanks to Emily!  Now we just need to buy some Little Swimmers diapers so he doesn't end up with a 20 pound diaper every time we get him wet. Take me out there now! Have you seen my beach ball? Come on, it's river time

Number 9

During a diaper change that Jakob was strenuously objecting to, I caught a glimpse of his ninth tooth!  It's one of his top molars.  We've suspected for a week or so that the four molars, which usually come in at about the same time, were coming in, due to some otherwise unexplainable face rubbing and ear tugging.  Glad to get visual confirmation of one of the buggers, and here's hoping they finish coming in quickly and without much more pain for the little man.

High Chair Antics

I'm the king in my throne! I can't help but smile when I think of how much I've been eating lately Mommy thought she was going to have one of these.  Silly Mommy. I'm sharing the orange popsicle, but I don't like doing it.

Morning Walk

I took Grandpa for a walk the morning before he and Grandma went back to CT. Sometimes it's tough to walk on uneven grass Good thing Grandpa was there to hold my hand Sometimes I would just rather be carried Break time with Grandma!

Tee Time

Dan and Ray J went golfing on Saturday.  Jakob didn't go with them, but he was dressed in case they wanted some company. Check out these golf shorts.  I totally look the part. Well, maybe I would have Mommy brush down my bed head before I hit the links.

Zoey Visits (and Grandma and Grandpa Too!)

Grandma and Grandpa Janelle came for a visit this weekend.  Jakob was so excited to see them and show off his walking skills, which he developed just days after the last time we saw them in CT for his birthday party.  He had so much fun running after Zoey, screeching in delight the whole time.  They read him stories, took him for river swims, fed him lots of good food, and helped up chase him around. I'm ready for my visitors Grandma brought me a book about a cat that wears shoes.  I like to wear shoes too. Grandpa, did you bring this new ball for me?  Thanks!

New Ball

Sure, Jakob has a bounty of balls already.  That being said, I just couldn't help myself at the store today. Is that a new ball!?!? SWEET!! Thanks for the new ball, Mommy I'm going to play hide and seek behind the rocking chair You found me! Now I want to play outside

A College Kid

Okay, college plans are still a long way off for Jakob, even though he's sporting some Panthers gear.  His daycare teachers in the infant room told us this week that he'll be shifting into the toddler room much sooner than later, and today he spent the majority of the day there.  Miraculously, he even took a nap with the other kids from 12:30 to 2:00 on his mat on the floor.  I'm struggling a little to wrap my mind around my little baby "graduating" to the toddler room (and that I need to buy him a big boy lunch bag to take with him), but I think he's going to totally love watching, learning from, and playing with the big kids. Time for me to graduate from the infant room!

Showing Potential

This morning shows potential for mess making I can probably make a mess of these  After I eat a couple, of course I've fulfilled my mess making potential for today!

Biggie Sized

I've got some growing to do before I can try to fill Daddy's shoes

A Case of the Giggles

Another post where no captions are needed...


We met the Gilmans at Flatbread Pizza in Waitsfield after Dan got home from work on Friday.  Not only do they have some of the best pizza and beer around, but they're also super kid friendly.  They've got field in back of the restaurant for little ones to run wild, and Jakob and Graham took full advantage once dinner was done. Daddies and little dudes I tried to spike the ball.  Apparently you need to be taller than 30 inches for that to go well. Walking on the grass is a little tougher than the floor Look, I found an orange ball stuck on this stake! This place is great! I love playing outside Look at all these new balls that I can play with Wilson?  Who is Wilson, and why did he leave his ball here? I am Captain Adorable, hear me giggle! Playing with Daddy is the most fun Dangle baby!!! Mommy, I ripped this out of their garden for you