We spent the weekend in CT because Aunt Karen was in town for her friend's wedding. As always, it was so much fun to see Aunt Karen, Grandma and Grandpa Janelle, cousin Ali and her boys Mikey and Jack, our friend Sarah, and last --but not least!--Great Grandma! I've been so excited all week to see you! Monkey suit, eh? Monkey see, monkey poo? I can't wait until I'm big enough to play with your boys! Once I start crawling, you can get your exercise by chasing me instead of going to spinning class, Sarah! Grandma and Grandpa, that big pumpkin back there is so cool! I love hanging out with Great Grandma and this little dinosaur Showing off my amazing flexibility to Great Grandma Mmm, that coffee looks yummy Getting ready for a nap with Aunt Karen (I was told she napped while I was napping) Climbing trees is fun! I'm on top of the world!! I rock in the tree tops all day long!