
Showing posts from June, 2012

Two Months!!

Happy two month birthday, Jakob!  When I saw Jakob with Karen's Bucky last weekend, it reminded me that my Mr. Bear is up in Huntington with me.  So I'm keeping the new Vermont Teddy Bear and adding Mr. Bear for Jakob's monthly pictures.  :-) Prop me up, Mommy! That's better.  Now people can actually see how big I've gotten! Ready for my close up.


I'm loving the fact that NBC is broadcasting the Olympic Trials for swimming all week.  Sadly it hasn't motivated me to get back into the pool just yet (eight weeks postpartum and in a bathing suit...thanks, but no thanks), but it has made me miss Gettysburg College in general.  I decided to give Gburg a shout out with some blue and orange garb for Jakob when we went out yesterday to meet my friend Katie for coffee.  She's due with her own little guy in mid-October, so Jakob will have another Vermont friend sooner than later! Go Bullets! Sorry about the blurry pictures...not my best effort behind the lens. The hood is a little big on him, but this is still as gangsta as a Vermont baby can get!

Wednesday Morning Drizzles

If the drizzly weather has you feeling a bit down, this ought to cheer you up: Guess what.... ...monkey butt!!  :-)

Kimberly Miller Photography...AMAZING!!!

While we were in CT for the weekend, one of my best friends since middle school came by to take some pictures of the family with Jakob.  She's got her own photography business, and it's easy to see why she's so busy with it and gets such good reviews from her clients.  If you're anywhere near Hartford, CT and need pictures taken, I can't recommend Kim more highly.  Check out the gorgeous blog post she put together for Jakob!

Auntie's Little Man

As I said last week, Dan, Jakob, and I took a trip to CT this weekend because Karen was flying back for the weekend to meet Jakob.  Despite mechanical difficulties and weather issues, KJ managed to get in close to on time, and we were all so thrilled to see her.  She and Jakob got a ton of time to snuggle and play, and we enjoyed a steady stream of other friends and relatives who stopped by to meet the little guy.  Although it was impossible to top Jakob's excitement to meet his Auntie Karen, he was equally excited to meet his great grandparents on Saturday!  As always, he was a perfect baby the whole time.  Can't wait to see everyone in CT again, especially those that we missed this time around!  Thanks again to Karen for coming all the way across the country to meet Jakob!! Some quiet time before all our visitors arrive Four generations of Gubbins Meeting Great Grandma for the first time Jakob with his Aunt Karen and Great-Aunt Karen Grandma, Great Gra

Swinging like a Monkey in a Tree

We're off to CT today so Jakob can meet his Aunt Karen and other family and friends (YAAAAY!!!), so there will be a little hiatus in blog postings until Sunday night or Monday.  In the meantime, enjoy this video, which may cause motion sickness.  :-)

Hot Enough for You?

Indeed, it's more than hot enough for us up here in Vermont today, but that didn't stop Jakob and I from having some goofy fun this morning.  He woke up in a great and active mood, and although there's nothing too exciting going on in the video, it's still cute to watch him squirm around.   Also, Dan and I weighed Jakob on Monday morning, and he's officially a ten pounder!!  After being such a little peanut when he was born, it's hard to believe his weight is in the double digits now.  :-)  His two month appointment isn't until July 2nd, but I think the doctors will be very pleased with his progress by then. Looking shocked at how hot it's going to be over the next few days Flapping his arms and looking very hunky Wheee!! Mommy's such a goofball in the mornings before her coffee

Man (and Baby's) Best Friend

Jakob wore his doggie onesie today, which was perfect for some bonding time with Daddy and Holden!

Father and Son

Father's Day weekend is coming to an end, and there's no way I can let it go by without wishing all the fathers in my life -- both old and new ones -- a very happy Father's Day.  As a new mom, it often feels like Jakob and I get the vast majority of the attention.  But everyone who knows our family knows just how much Dan does on a daily basis to help make sure life in our house is wonderful, even if he doesn't get as much or as regular recognition for his efforts.  I never cease to be amazed by his patience, dedication, effort, and love, and there isn't a day that goes by that I don't marvel at how very lucky I am to be married to such an amazing man.  Jakob is just as lucky to have him as a daddy, and I can only hope that Jakob grows up to be exactly like Dan.  We love you so much, Dan! True love Gabe and Graham Dan and Claire watch Jakob as he sleeps Greg and Graham cuddling Jakob loves Graham's swing! Becky and Greg will be w

Weekend with Grandma and Grandpa Janelle

My parents came up to visit us Thursday through Saturday, and we all had a great time.  Jakob got lots of time to snuggle with his grandparents, while I had time to run some errands and get a haircut (which I had intended to do before he was born)!  Jakob was happy to be able to wish Ray J a happy first Grandfather's Day weekend in person too. The start of a fun weekend Lots and lots of time with Grandma Bath time Starting to enjoy my baths Rinsing and repeating I love warm snuggles after getting squeaky clean! Mommy insists on brushing my hair, even though I hardly have any Is this really necessary?! Looking good! Wearing this shirt in honor of Father's Day weekend Up close and personal   Getting some fresh air (notice how the socks match the shirt!!) BBQ time! First time father and grandfather...good looking guys! All we need is Autie Karen!! First Huntington campfire, and looking at Daddy with such