Happy 5th Birthday, Everleigh Grace!

What difference a year makes!  Last year at this time, it was a daily struggle to keep Everleigh from running away from her classroom or to deal with anything less than what she demanded without a major meltdown.  Just understanding what she said the majority of the time was so tough.  It was a frustrating stretch.

And now, she's the most charming, loving, and amusing little creature I know.  She loves everything and everyone (even when she talks about the Red Sox, who she doesn't cheer for, she says "I cheer for the Ankees but I still like the Red Sox, and she'll say "I love everybody in the whole world, except bad guys").  She's coming into her own with her friendships, making new ones easily while cherishing friends she's had for years.  Transitions are much easier and tantrums are minor and quick.  Her language is progressing and her paci use is way down.  She's truly a delight.

We're so proud of all of her learning and growth in the past year, and we know her fifth year will be amazing as she continues to take on the world and leave it a better, happier place.  We love you, Everleigh!


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