Happy 6th Birthday, Jakob!

Our baby is 6!!!  We've done a lot of celebrating so far, with more to come.  Last week Grandma and Grandpa Janelle came to visit while Dan was in DC, so we kicked off the celebration with a trip to Friendly's and ice cream sundaes as big as the kids.  Jakob got a great new Lego City set, as well as cake and another egg hunt.  Then Aunt Sarah and Kelsey came for a visit over the weekend, and we had our first campfire of the year.  They got both kids awesome birthday gifts, including a bowling set and play-doh that have been a huge hit.  On his actual birthday (Sunday), Jakob opened his gifts from our family (Bey Blades, a kid's FitBit, and gem stones) and cards from family from afar, got phone calls from all of our family, and went to Get Air with Graham before going swimming with Dan.  Whew, busy day!  His teachers made a big deal out of his birthday when I dropped him off for school Monday morning.  This coming weekend we're having his official birthday party.  We've rented the indoor field house at our gym and invited all of his classmates (plus nearly a dozen non-school friends) to join us for playtime, pizza, and cake.  An epic celebration for a kiddo who makes us laugh and love every day.  Happy birthday, Jakob!!


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