Jakob's Tee Ball Opening Ceremonies and Game

Saturday morning, bright and early (8:15!), Jakob's tee ball league had opening ceremonies and then their first game.  The coaches of the four teams read everyone's name out loud, and Jakob gave us a big smile when his coach said his name.  Unfortunately, it started raining, then started pouring, just in time for the game.  They still got three innings in, though, and the players had a lot of fun.  Each child on the team got a turn to hit off the tee until they made contact, then they automatically got a base every time another team member got a hit.  Jakob made some solid contact!  When it was their turn to field (the coaches wisely shrunk the infield by about half thanks to removable bases), they all spread out in the infield and occasionally got a turn to throw the ball to first base if it was hit their way.  I don't think Jakob moved a muscle the first time he fielded, although he did decide to stop a ball hit by his teammate while he was on his way from first base to second base, ha!  Hopefully we get better weather this weekend, because it was such a cute, fun way to start the weekend.


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