Everleigh is Two!

Happy birthday to our sweet baby!  Even though she's full of words and can be the most independent little creature I've ever seen, she seems so much more like a baby to me than Jakob did when he turned two.  Maybe it's because she's the second child and will always be our baby, or just that she's young and little in comparison to Jakob.  She even refers to herself as baby, usually when insisting that "baby hold!" or "baby do it!"  Despite that, I swear no one has ever looked at me with the same extent of pure love than she does in our tender moments of snuggles. 

Everleigh continues to add to her vocabulary daily and has been stringing together words to make more complete thoughts.  She still loves having her pacifier any chance she gets, but we've started to limit her use of it to car rides and sleeping, and it's been working wonders for her language skills.  She wants to be in the middle of everything and doing everything on her own (including sitting on the potty, getting clothes on and off, putting her shoes on, drinking from a regular cup), and yet she desperately craves and demands almost constant affection and touch.  She's our little Tasmanian devil, a constant source of movement and commotion, combined with a little snuggle bug.  Even though today is her first day as a two year old, I think she'll give us a real run for our money in the "terrible two's" department.  But that's okay, because just when it seems like she can't throw a more epic tantrum, she reaches her hands up to us, says "uppie," and buries her face into our necks for a long, tight hug.  We wouldn't want it any other way.  Happy birthday, Everleigh.  We love you!


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