Major Updates: New Daycare, Lyme Carditis, Vacation!

Wow, over three weeks without a blog post!  In my defense, things have been completely insane for our family over the past month.  We received new in early September that Play Care's buyer fell through for the business, so even though they planned to stay open indefinitely, we made the incredibly difficult choice to change the kids' daycare.  Jakob now attends preschool at Jericho Elementary (run through the YMCA), and he's doing wonderfully.  It's exciting that he's at his first real school, and his exposure to older kids (3 to 5 years old) is a major benefit to him.  I was definitely worried about his transition, but he's handled it really well.  Most mornings he asks to go to school, and he loves the bigger playground and the cool things they do like go on field trips and use the library ("It's right down the hall!").  Everleigh's transition was seamless, and she appears to be very happy in her new surroundings.  She had a very tough stretch where she was sick then was getting all 4 incisors at the same time (lots of sleepless nights and fussiness), but she appears to be over the hump with that too.  Phew!  It's a challenge to do drop offs/pick ups at two locations, but once Everleigh is old enough, we'll start her at Jericho Elementary for preschool too. 

Then came the really tough times, for Dan in particular.  Right after Everleigh, Jakob, and I had a weeklong virus with fever, body aches, chills, and exhaustion, Dan started having the same symptoms but worse.  After a week his symptoms lessened, but he still felt awful.  This went on for five or six weeks until Tuesday, October 6th, when he went back to the doctor's because he was incredibly light headed.  They did an EKG, and his pulse was in the upper 20s and low 30s (normal is 60).  They rushed him to the hospital, set him up with a temporary pacemaker, and ran a barrage of tests.  The final diagnosis: acute Lyme disease that lead to Lyme carditis, which is essentially heart block.  Doctors assured us that it should be fully reversible, but he still had to spend four nights in the hospital and have a pacemaker installed.  The good news as of today is that his heart is operating normally, so he'll be able to have the pacemaker removed soon!  It's been a tough stretch as he hasn't been able to pick up the kids and has had to administer IV antibiotics to himself through a pick line in his right arm, but thankfully it sounds like things are much better.

Earlier this week we went to Rockport, MA for three nights.  My parents rented a gorgeous house right on the water in belated celebration of Grandma Janelle's 60th birthday, and Aunt Karen was there to help wrangle the kids as well!  We had a blast playing in the yard, exploring Rockport, eating out and dining in, and checking out the sandy beach. 

I know pictures are way overdue, so I'll work on getting another post together soon.


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