
Showing posts from March, 2015


I'm helping Grandpa Janelle set up his Fitbit We're not making much progress, so Daddy is going to take me outside

Melting my Heart

Jakob and I had the following quick but wonderful exchange this morning: Me:  I've got to leave for work in a few minutes. Jakob:  Okay.  I'm going to be sad when you leave. Me:  Me too, but I'll be happy when I pick you up at daycare this afternoon. Jakob:  I'll be happy too! What a perfect way to start my day!!

Frosting Daddy's Cupcakes

Kind of... Now that the eggs are colored, I'm helping Grandma frost cupcakes for Daddy's birthday Just making sure this is tasty enough for my Dad Mmm-hmm, better taste this glob too. Maybe I should just taste test the whole thing Grandma gave me a little bit of frosting.  I look confused because I don't understand why no one gave me some before now. Happy birthday, Daddy!  Dig in!

Coloring Easter Eggs

Grandma Janelle is helping me color Easter eggs for the first time I'm being very careful to place the egg in the cup gently My Jakob egg is blue! This is an egg-cellent activity!

Coffee Cake

I'm helping Mommy make some Trader Joe's coffee cake Once again, the Trader knows what's delicious

Baby in a Box

Alternate title:  Mommy of the Year. This is one way for Mommy to know where I am now that I can move around


I should have posted this about a week ago, but Jakob knows how to spell his name now!

Honestly, Why Does Kenya Get So Close?!

We meet again, my furry friend Gotcha! Haha, now I've really got a good grip You think moving away will keep you safe? The joke is on you, Kenya.  I can scoot myself around to just about anywhere now. Holden, you're not safe either when you're in the way of my truck

Sunshine Babies



What do you want to do this morning? Look, Mommy built us a fort! Where did Jakob go? Should I look in the fort? Jakob, are you in here? Here I am!! So much happy flapping

5 Stages of Potty Training

This article is alarmingly accurate and provided a much needed laugh for me today, as I've been dwelling on Jakob's ongoing resistance to anything potty related: Can't wait until we're on Step 5!

Caleb and Soren

One of the many things I'll miss when I start working full time next month is the Wednesday play dates we've been having with a handful of other families in Huntington.  These play dates are great for the kids, who get lots of energy out and practice sharing, but it's been even better for the mommies, who get to share parenting successes and less-than-successes.  Basically, it's mommy therapy.  :-)  Last week Caleb, Soren, and their mommy Jess were the only ones able to make it, but it turned out to be one of the better times we've had.  Everleigh and Soren were so adorable playing next to each other on the rug, and Jakob and Caleb were two peas in a pod playing with trains, trucks, and cars. We both took good morning naps and are so excited to play Do you want to see my paci, Soren? Lunch time!   TRAINS!  (Mommy loves this picture, with us both jumping up and down, and our little plumber diapers showing!)

Reliving Past Glory

Let's look at some pictures of Mommy and Daddy from when they were well rested What's in all of those solo cups?  That's a lot of juice! Some day we'll go through our blog to relive our past baby glory

It's All Coming Back to Me Now...

It's funny what you forget (and how quickly) as a parent.  It seems like every new milestone Everleigh hits reminds me of Jakob doing it, but it's almost always a reminder, and less often something I'm anticipating.  Thank goodness for this blog so I can dig up memories!   Anyway, one thing Jakob LOVED to do when he got mobile enough to get himself to it was pull our CDs and photo albums off the shelf we've got next to the TV.  I remember thinking back then that we should totally get rid of it, but we never did because it covers up some wires (which he would inevitably have pulled on).  Turns out this is one of Everleigh's new favorite things to do.  What's funny about it this time around is that Jakob likes to scold her, even though he still likes to pull his Disney DVDs off the top shelf. Don't mind me.  Just perusing Mommy and Daddy's selection of music. You caught me!  It looks like I'm already behind bars from this view.

Happy Birthday, Daddy!

Happy birthday to the best Daddy in the universe!  With love from Jakob and Everleigh, who are tied for being your second biggest fans (Mommy is still number one in that category). We're so lucky to have you as our Daddy!

Everleigh at Montshire

Talk about stimulation overload for a baby! I might not blink at all while we're here What are we touching? Can you guess this pelt? Moose! These bubbles hypnotized me Infrared family

Everleigh is 10 Months! (And Quasi-Crawling, Socks, and Sharing)

We're officially moving photo shoots off the couch, because this little lady is constantly on the move!  Just this morning we saw her make her first forward progress with crawling.  It's a combination of an inch worm and an army crawl, which is funny and cute. When you give her a sock now, she tries to put it on her foot.  What a smartie! She also loves to share just about everything, but if you try to take something she's playing with before she's ready, you better be ready to hear about it, ha! Happy 10 months, sweet girl.  We love you! No more sitting on the couch Get me down and let me move! WHY WON'T YOU GIVE ME THE CAMERA?! Socks go here, right? Ten, double digits! This toy is for you Up close and personal