
Showing posts from November, 2013

Tuna Helper

Are you ready to help me reorganize the food in the cabinet? Tuna is the chicken of the sea Tastes a bit metallic to me


I look Vermonty today But I don't want to wear my old shoes (how's that for throwing Mommy and Daddy for a loop!) Check this out! My wooden block makes quite a loud noise on my bucket Sheesh, it even hurts my ears!

Happy Thanksgiving, and Happy Birthday Grandpa Janelle!

We hope you all have a very happy Thanksgiving.  We have so much to be thankful for, most particularly our friends and family, including our baby-to-be and our little man.  Also, we want to wish Grandpa Janelle a very happy birthday.  He and Grandma Janelle are in town this weekend to help us fry a turkey and celebrate the holiday, so we'll have pictures of their visit later in the weekend. Kenya is giving me tips on how to complete my new puzzle Maybe I'll be fast enough to catch the pets on this little wagon This puzzle helps me practice my colors.  I know blue, yellow, and green! Enough attitude?  How about enough hats when we're inside? Guess I might as well embrace it if they keep making me wear it inside

Sunday Snowday

We woke up to about two inches of powdery snow on Sunday morning.  Unfortunately, we also woke up to temps well below zero when you factored in the wind chill.  Jakob still wanted to go outside, so we bundled him from head to toe in his new winter gear and headed out for a few minutes.  He didn't particularly love the snow, but I think with a chance to play in it in slightly warmer temps, he'll figure out how much fun it is to play in it. Check out my new snow suit and boots! I'm the Stay-Puff Marshmellow baby! Faster, Daddy This would be a winter wonderland if it weren't so windy We wanted to check on the ducks to make sure they were okay On the way home we stopped by the town garage to see the big trucks I'm willing to walk in the snow only to see the truck Time to help Daddy shovel the back deck


Don't mind me, just hanging out in this basket Actually, I'm enjoying my snack in here Cheeeeeeese!!

Star of the Week

Last week it was Jakob's turn to be the star of the week at daycare.  He got a bulletin board full of pictures and some of his art, was able to bring in his favorite book to share during story time, and was generally given some extra special attention.

More Popcorn


New Shoes (Yes, Again)

It almost seems like we enjoy torturing Jakob by the number of new shoes we get for him, doesn't it?! What are these??? WWWWHHHHYYYY? Please, please put my old shoes back on!


Jakob's other bottom tooth broke through, so all we've got left are his four two-year molars!  PHEW, teething has been tough on Jakob!

Bye Bye!

I'm wearing Aunt Jaimie's shoes so she and Uncle Travis can't leave Now I'm wearing Daddy's shoes, just in case he's getting any bad ideas too We are two cool dudes

Turkey Fry

We love Thanksgiving dinner, so we decided to do the first round of it a few weeks early while Trav and Jaimie were here. Watching the guys get the turkey frier ready That's a LOT of oil Kenya likes turkey and cuddling too Typical man, going straight for the drumsticks Mmmmm Keep the meat coming I guess I can share with Daddy I'm so happy we're going to have another Thanksgiving meal in a couple of weeks

Camp Fire

With unseasonably warm weather, we headed outside for a campfire and some fresh air. Uncle Travis and I took a little walk while Daddy got the fire started Good looking fire, but I want to walk more Thanks for going back out with me, Aunt Jaimie We're shaking trees! Someone give me a lucky penny so I can throw it down this well I'm practicing my tightrope walking

Friday Night Fun

Are we eating or reading?  Both! I love drinking seltzer! Showing Aunt Jaimie has I like to play Clothes are so overrated Snack time before we head outside