
Showing posts from October, 2013

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!  Jakob's teachers at daycare invited him and me to go trick or treating with class today, even though it isn't our normal day at daycare.  Apparently they take the kiddos to a couple of retirement communities within walking distance of the daycare.  Jakob will be dressed as Spiderman, assuming I can actually get him into the outfit.  It should be a blast, and we'll post pictures later tonight or tomorrow.  Enjoy the candy! Check out my spooky Halloween hoodie Elmo, do you think I look scary? Waiting for the Big Pumpkin is boring.  Let's go score some candy.

Echo Aquarium

We took Jakob back to Echo Aquarium last Saturday.  He was a bit young when we took him in early July, but this time he loved the whole hour we were there.  We all had such a great time that we decided to get a year membership! We're off to see the fish! Mommy and Daddy had to pry me away from this tower of bubbles Where are the fish? I'm mesmerized by all the different fish I'm brushing up on my Champy facts Woooooow Those fish are SO BIG Time to check out the hands on exhibit...and they have cars! I'm cranking up the wind and letting it blow my hair around Daddy and I are coloring a bobcat mask Boat time The river in our backyard is much bigger than this one When you press on the frogs, they make noises! Playtime on the slide!! After all this excitement, I wish these fake foods were real

A Year and a Half

18 months have flown by since the birth of our little man.  Every day he amazes us, and we feel so lucky that we have him.  When I was pregnant, I heard the song A Thousand Years by Christina Perri almost once a day.  Sure, it's a cheesy pop song, but the lyrics have stuck with me over the last year and a half and also have a meaning that's applicable to our lives now that Jakob has been born.  It just so happens that I heard the song yesterday on my way to work, and it was a challenge not to cry my makeup off with tears of happiness.  Happy year and a half, Jakob Daniel! Heart beats fast                                         Colors and promises How to be brave? How can I love when I'm afraid to fall? But watching you stand alone, All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow. One step closer I have died everyday waiting for you Darling, don't...

Sweater Weather

Don't I look cozy? I'm taking this teddy and putting it in the dog's bowl

Sunday Funnies and New Words

The two topics in the subject line of this post are related.  Jakob learned to say turtle and noodle yesterday.  He learned to say a third "word" too, but before I say what it is, I'll include the amusing story that leads up to it. When we were in Maine, Grandma and Grandpa Janelle and Aunt Karen gave Jakob his first M&Ms.  He loved them, obviously.  Yesterday we were Skyping with Grandma and Grandpa Janelle, and Grandma told Jakob that she had bought more M&Ms for him.  He jumped down off my lap after hearing that and headed towards the kitchen.  Since there was nothing he could get into trouble with out there, I let him go and continued the conversation.  He came back shortly thereafter holding a bag of M&Ms that we keep (poorly) hidden in a draw.  I had no idea he knew where they were.  After we were done Skyping, he said "emmies!"  Guess he's got a sweet tooth!

New Coat

New coat > new shoes in the drama department WAAAAAH! I would rather freeze than wear this jacket


It's cold outside, but our wood stove is keeping us plenty warm! Between the wood stove and my efforts pushing my diaper box around the house, I need to take off my top layer Now this is a window seat If the baby on the box isn't going to wear a shirt, then neither am I

Pumpkin Head

It isn't time to Trick or Treat yet, but that doesn't mean I can't enjoy my pumpkin bucket I'm spooky!

Words, Words, Words

It's been a while since I posted anything about Jakob's language development, so before he learns to say so many words that I forget where he started, I thought I'd better make a little list.  He can say many animal sounds, some of which are incredibly funny, including cow, horse, monkey, pig, cat, dog, owl, wolf, dinosaur, elephant, bird, duck, chicken, chick, lion, tiger, snake, sheep, goat, and (sort of) rooster. He knows that cars and trucks say beep beep, boats say toot toot, trains say choo choo, airplanes go woosh, fire trucks say wee-ooo, and most those machines make a vroom noise. He's been saying mama and dada for quite some time, and he's added hot, hat, hi, hello, bye-bye, up, all done, Jakey, wheel, apple, ball, tree, bubble, no, wow, cheese, bus, happy, that, big, outside, moon, boots, hay, cracker, tractor, car, juice, banana, and Elmo.

All Ears

I love corn! This is my idea of doubling fisting Corn and hot dinner ever!

Stowe Bike Path

Sunday was a perfect fall day in our area of Vermont, so we jumped in the car and drove to the Stowe bike path to get some fresh air and exercise.  Jakob said hi to every person that walked, jogged, or biked past us! I face forward in Daddy's car! Smooth operator Cider donut...don't mind if I do Yum yum yum Time to walk (or be carried on) the bike path I love playing in puddles We're on an adventure! I like to play with Daddy beard I don't have any beard on my face Daddy is looking at me, and I'm looking at the river Time to play in the leaves!

First Fire of Fall 2013

It's that season again!  This time around, we're going to have to keep a very close eye on Jakob when the wood stove is burning because he's mobile and very interested.  Of course we've got the gate around the stove, but we'll still need to be vigilant.  In an effort to teach Jakob how to use it safely, Dan let him help crumble the newspaper and help hand in some of the kindling before Dan got the first started.  Jakob loved being a part of the action! The sound of crumbling paper used to scare me, and now I like to be the one doing the crumbling It's blurry, but you can see me handing Daddy the ball of paper Daddy is out getting kindling, so I'm going to take a closer look Hmm, I don't think I want to be trapped in here Here's a good piece of kindling Pile it up The gate is closed and the fire is hot