
Showing posts from September, 2013


We picked up another adorable pair of PJs for Jakob last weekend, and he loves pointing at all the fire trucks. Lots of trucks in this picture I'm a sleeping beauty (although this is nap time, so I'm not wearing my new PJs) I'm have such sweet dreams


It's time to break out Jakob's Halloween gear! I could go for some candy   It's spooky how many teeth are coming in

Feeling Vermonty

It looks like I'm headed to a Vermont Life photo shoot Or maybe I'm just headed over to give Mommy a hug

These Boots were Made for Walking

Surprisingly, Jakob's new boots didn't send him into a glass cage of (irrational) emotion. Stomping time I'm taking my newest shoes in stride

TAT2 (get it?!)

Don't worry, I'm watching my steps very closely The Jakob on the bus says "MOVE ON BACK!" This is way better than watching the bus drive by our house I feel like a big kid Time to make the rounds Would you pretty ladies like a ride? The horn on the bus goes BEEP BEEP BEEP This is great, but I see more trucks that I want to touch Check it out.  I'm Jakey D, strutting my stuff on this flatbed  Don't worry, Graham, we're relatively safe up here And then there was one I like this orange thing-a-ma-jig I think I've logged enough driving hours to get my permit Enjoying my new duckie while on the wagon ride Mommy did a good job dressing me today, because I sure did touch a lot of trucks

Touch a Truck, Part 1

Saturday morning was a perfect day for Touch a Truck in Waitsfield.  The event is exactly what it sounds like, and our little man was up to the challenge of touching (and banging, and exploring...) every truck they had on the field.  We met up with Gilmans, which made it even more enjoyable. Taking a quick cat nap so I'm ready to go This looks promising Take me over there! Or should we start over there? Quick, there's an emergency!  I don't know what truck to touch first! Okay I'll start with this ambulance. I know this isn't actually a truck, but I'm going to touch it anyway I don't want to share the driver's seat This is more like it I wonder what happens if I flip this switch and push that button This steering wheel is huge! I'm in the bucket of the bulldozer This thing is pretty massive Onward to the next truck

Happy Birthday to Mommy

Just like last year, spending time with Dan and Jakob was the best gift ever!  They make every day feel as special as a birthday.  But my other gift from them -- it involved cupcakes and diamonds!! -- definitely made me feel even more loved than usual.  Thank you, Dan and Jakob!! I'm mesmerized by the candle on Mommy's cupcake It's a slightly less messy experience than it was at my 1st birthday party Chocolate is GOOD Mommy, I'll have yours right there if you aren't going to finish it I know it's your birthday, but is this really necessary? We know how to make Mommy feel so special For your birthday, I've unleashed this incredibly long drip of drool.  I expect a thank you card in the mail.

Baker's Dozen

The first of Jakob's upper canine teeth came in, bringing his total tooth count to thirteen!

More Fun with Apples

Sorry for the little lull in the action, but I've been way under the weather the last few days with a terrible sinus infection.  Since I'm home from work today, I figured there's no excuse for me not to get a posting up.  We were very busy this weekend having lots of fun, and it started with Jakob enjoying another apple while he and I were hanging out on Friday morning. I also dig apples These teeth were no fun to grow, but I sure do like having them around I was so busy eating my apple that I lost my pants!

New PJs

As sad as we were to put them away, Jakob's adorable monster PJs were a bit too snug on him.  Fortunately we had another super cute PJ outfit waiting! Truckin' I'm helping Daddy send some work emails bright and early