
Showing posts from May, 2013

Pool Days

Bring. It. On. Does sunblock work if I eat it? Hurry up, it's time to go swimming!!! Look how great our pool is Is there a lifeguard on duty here? Daddy even put my bouncer in the pool This is so much fun!! Practicing with my life preserver so I can go on Gramps's boat later this summer

Doing Stand-Up and Lucky Number 7

It was a big day in the development department for Jakob.  Tonight we saw him get into the standing position on his own without using a table, chair, or other furniture item to pull himself up.  Also, his seventh tooth is through the gum.  It's the one on the bottom below the tooth he got a couple of days ago.

Seeds of Greatness

I'm helping Daddy plant pea seeds Look at this delightful chunk of mud Do we just bury the whole envelop of seeds? I found my mud chunk again I'm signing my name on this garden Maybe I'll just try a little nibble... According to Mommy, dirt is "dirty." L: My hand.  R: My foot.  Just leaving another mark on this season's crop. I don't know, Daddy.  Those seeds look like 7/8" instead of 3/4" to me.

BBQ at the Gilmans'

Sucking your thumb?  I prefer this toy. For the love of god, can someone please get Graham a different hat?! I have been pacified by your lack of a Red Sox hat and my paci.

Number of the Day: 6

Jakob's sixth tooth broke through the gum today!  It's one of the top ones next to the front/middle two.  It should be a matter of days before it's counterpart below it breaks through, which will be a relief, because these have been giving him a tough time.  Happy Memorial Day! Sorry, no pictures of Jakob's teeth...just this view of snowy (!!!) Camel's Hump on Memorial Day.

Doing Chores

This is helpful, right? I love the vacuum This thing promises to never lose suction, but the quantity of pet fur in here will test that claim

Mess Hall

Can you tell that I was practicing using a spoon on my own? Peek-a-boo! I think some veggie mix will help condition my hair but I'm not sure I got enough in there Okay, now I'm sure I got enough in my hair Mommy and Daddy  had to strip me down to my onesie and diaper to find a clean layer after my efforts

His Special-Tee

In the craziness of the last minute prepping for Jakob's first birthday party, I failed to get a good picture of him wearing his special t-shirt from Aunt Karen and Uncle Andrew.  No time like the present to remedy that situation! My shirt fit the theme of my party! I'm hungry.  What looks good in here? I found my new favorite food You've heard of the milk mustache.  Check out my milk goatee.


Image does my body good So does some exercise first thing in the morning Look at me taking big boy bites of my wheat toast Okay, Mommy, time to put the camera away


Mommy says my initials are no coincidence These cups will have to suffice until I get a proper baseball mitt

Saturday BBQ With the Gilmans

I'm ready for our guests to arrive Graham is my best friend He doesn't mind if I drool all over him I'm showing Carrie how we keep it real in Huntington Graham is pushing me on my car toy!!! Off we go We had to stop to refuel I get by with a little help from my friend Time for me to do the pushing

Signs of Spring

Daddy is showing me how to use the hose I love sticking my fingers in the spray I can't wait until we fill my baby pool Mommy is so happy that the lilac bush did so well this year But mostly she's happy to be cuddling with me