To My Son, On His First Birthday

Happy first birthday, Jakob Daniel!  Before you were born, it was Daddy and me, and we had each other.   Then you came into the world one year ago, and we had you.  Now we have everything.

Also before you were born, everyone told me to enjoy every moment because you'd grow up so quickly.  I got a lot of advice while I was pregnant, but thank goodness I heeded that particular one.  In just one year, your Daddy and I have watched you grow from a 5.5 pound peanut into a joyful, adventurous, loving little boy.  It's incredible to look back at the early blog posts and compare your early days with what you've become.  Every day you make us so proud.  It seems like you're able to identify new animals, figure out a challenge, make a new sound, or get even closer to taking your first steps on a daily basis.

You're going to get lots of fun presents for your birthday from people who love you.  Believe me, little one, you've got a devoted group of family and friends who follow you on this blog on a regular basis.  The most important gift your Daddy and I will give you is our unwavering love.  This is something we give you constantly, not just on your birthday, but it's worth repeating in particular today so you know how completely devoted we are to your health and happiness.  We promise to do everything we can each day to make you feel as loved as you truly are.

It'll be years before you can read the words I've written to you today.  You'll probably need even more time until you understand the depth of our love.  In truth, that understanding might not happen until you have a family of your own, because it takes becoming a parent to know what it means to love like a parent.  In the meantime, we'll continue to give you hugs and kisses and tell you just how much you mean to us.

It's almost bittersweet to know that you're not a baby anymore.  But in my heart and mind, you'll always be my baby.  Thank you for these 365 days of pure joy.  Even the days when you and I aren't quite in synch have been memorable and irreplaceable.  I love you unconditionally and forever, my sunshine, my little man, my love.  Happy birthday and many, many more.  xoxoxo


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