
Showing posts from September, 2012

Five Months!

Another month has flown by, and our little man is five months already!  I can't believe how much he's grown and changed in this short amount of time...he makes us laugh and love him for new reasons every day.  Happy birthday, Jakob! Am I old?  Should I say this is my second 4th month birthday like Mommy just had her second 30th birthday? Nah, I'm going to embrace being a big boy! Step aside little ones...wrangling this here starfish is five month old work! Five months of not smiling for Mommy's pictures.  I take pride in my work. It wouldn't be a birthday picture if I didn't manhandle one of these bears a bit.



A Swift Road to Recovery

Thankfully Jakob is feeling even better today than he was yesterday.  We even felt comfortable playing with him more normally, including doing some of his new favorite thing...log rolling! Soaring through the air Check out my kung-fu grip on Daddy's shirt I've got my furry friends with me here

Feeling Better!

Jakob's temp spiked to 102.2 yesterday, and he was absolutely miserable for the majority of the day.  But after a quick trip to the doctor's office (his pediatrician thinks it's just a very bad cold) and a few doses of Tylenol, he was feeling better last night.  And he's still sleeping as of 7:45 this morning, which is a good thing for speeding his recovery.  Keep feeling better, Jakob! I'm still stuffy and sniffly... ...but I'm feeling soooooo much better!

Baby's First Cold

Poor little man, he's got his first cold and isn't enjoying it.  The stuffiness came on during his afternoon nap yesterday, and things progressed as the night did.  He woke up this morning very congested and uncomfortable, although he's still babbling and playing with his toys as normal.  Don't worry, we'll give him lots of extra love and snuggles to get him back to health! Getting ready for a sneeze This is no fun :-(

Lake Willoughby Surprise!

By my birthday weekend last year, Dan and I had known we were pregnant for a whopping 8 days.  He and our friends had planned a surprise party for me at Lake Willoughby in the Northeast Kingdom section of Vermont, and he and I spent the night trying to fool them into believing I was drinking because we weren't telling anyone I was pregnant yet.   This year, with Jakob strapped into his car seat and absolutely no chance of being pregnant haha, we set out on a scenic drive over the river and through the woods, literally.  :-)  Like I said in my previous post, I didn't know where we were going.  After passing numerous places I thought we might be headed without stopping, I was really surprised when we stopped at a little country store in the middle of nowhere in Glover, Vermont.  Dan said he had heard they had awesome pizza, so we sat at a picnic table outside and started looking at the menu.  Out of the blue...well, at least it was for me...Ryan, Gabe, Carrie, and Graham arriv

Raod Trip to ... ????

Dan has a weekend away planned for us, which is very exciting, but Jakob and I don't know where we're going yet.  Well, maybe Jakob does know, but if so, he isn't ruining the surprise.  :-)  Here are pictures from this morning and the last couple of days...sorry for the lull in posting. Playing with Daddy Flying! Strolling time I dig this little cap Tummy time with my elephant rattle Here's looking at you, Mommy Looking like such a big boy for our road trip No skinny jeans for me! Good luck not getting lost in my eyes :-)

Peak Strolling Weater

We love Fall!! Bundle me up and take me out!!

Play Time!


Uncle Travis's Bachelor Weekend

Here are some great pictures of the guys from the tail end of Travis's bachelor party weekend. You mean I'm leaving the Green Mountains to go to the Adirondacks? This ferry ride is kind of boring. Hi Grandpa Janelle!! Just one of the guys Hanging with Grandpa and Holden on the deck I'm not old enough to hear the stories Daddy and Uncle T were telling this weekend :-) Relaxing with Grandpa Hall! That's a lot of Lincoln Logs! My favorite toy is here!! I brought Uncle Travis's Steelers good luck this week Yay red flannel! The Hall guys Another ferry ride?  I'd rather chew on this rattle.