
Showing posts from July, 2012

Tummy Time!

Jakob's continually working on his head control, thanks to some great tummy time!

Hanging in the Constitution State

Here are some pictures and videos from our weekend in CT.  For the videos, make sure you turn up the volume, because Jakob and his Great Grandma had quite a conversation! Grandma and Grandpa dig my new New Yankees onesies, 3-6 month size!  "Gotta support the team." Hugs from Aunt Kelly I love my Great Grandma! Gubbins ladies with our main man First meeting with (future wife?) Stella Zawadzki!  Isn't she too cute?! She's playing hard to get by not looking at me, but I'll win her heart! Now I've caught her eye! Already working my magic on my future mother-in-law, ha!   A bit different from our days closing down the bar at Sliders, ha! Mornings with Grandma are the best All that excitement tired me out!

Until We Meet Again...

John Joseph Gubbins   7.10.1922 - 7.28.2012.   We'll always love you so much, Grandpa.  You'll be in our hearts and souls forever. Grandpa and me, October 1981 Grandpa meeting his great grandson, June 2012.  One of the most special moments in Jakob's life to date.

Three Months!

Today is Jakob's three month birthday!  As a gift to Dan and me, he had his best night of sleep ever last night, snoozing soundly from 9 until 4:15 in the morning, and then again from 4:45 until 6:50.  We had a long day of travel back from CT, but Jakob wouldn't know that because he slept the whole time in the car too.  Turning three months is exhausting work apparently.  :-) Three month olds don't need to wear pants in the summer These bears have nothin' on me! Wait, no cake? Such a happy little guy I've been working on finding my thumb for a few days now I'm very good at finding the side of my hand One more for perspective There's my thumb!

It's Raining, It's Pouring

Talk about a great day for napping!  But before we get the swing cranking, here are a few pictures of our little guy.  Tomorrow morning we're heading down to CT to visit my family, so there will be a lull in the action on the blog until some time on Monday.  The good news is that I always take more pictures when we travel, so it'll be worth the wait.  :-)

Rise and Shine!

A few pictures from the previous two mornings: Bright eyed and bushy tailed Doesn't love to smile as often when the camera is in his face My guys look good in stripes! A still shot of him babbling

Maple Syrup Competition

Yesterday the Gilmans hosted a maple syrup competition, which pitted some of Vermont's finest against a batch of Grandma and Grandpa Hall's own sweet nectar.  It was a close vote, but the Halls' syrup won out in the end.  Here are a few pictures from the main event! Ready to go to brunch G, representing Vermont, had Dan feeling a bit under-prepared with her VT shirt, sash, and crown.  It's obvious why we love her, isn't it?! The Nagurneys challenging the Duggars?  Nah, just two of those munchkins are theirs. :-) Let the boys be boys!  Wyatt, Jakob, and Graham...approximately 2 weeks, 3 months, and 6 months old. Notice the little smile on Jakob's face?  He had just clocked poor Wyatt in the face.  I guess that's his naughty grin, ha ha! G took a few photos and made them look high class This one, also from G, is from a BBQ a couple of weekends ago, but I couldn't resist posting it.  Jakob clearly isn't letting Dan go!

Twelve Weeks!

Tempus fugit (nerd alert, thanks to six years of Latin)!  I can't believe it's been twelve weeks since Jakob entered our lives.  He was such a peanut when he was born, but he's been packing on the pounds fearlessly pretty much since the moment he arrived.  For example, he's filling out most of his changing pad in the Pack N Play, as you can see below. Buddha belly!! Looks like we're going to have to find a new place to change him soon.

Road Trip to Chelsea

Yesterday we visited a friend of mine from the state court system, his wife, and their two year old in Chelsea, Vermont.  On the way home, we realized we were just a couple of miles from our great friends Otto, Sasha, and their adorable son Emmett, so we popped in to say hello (sorry about the surprise drop in, but it was so great to see you!)  Here are a few pictures from before our adventure. New pants! Making changing time fun   Not too sure about this yellow cow toy

Blue-BEAR-y Picking!

Last night, a bunch of us got together to picnic, listen to live music, and do some blueberry picking.  The weather couldn't have been better, the tunes were actually pretty good, and many laughs were shared.  To top it off, the miniature herd of children we brought played so well together.  A perfect evening! Get the title of the post?!?!  Honestly, I crack myself up! Claire getting in some face time with Jakob. Picnicking is exhausting! G and Grahammy looking so happy together Carrie and two week old Wyatt enjoy some tender moments Tummy time...Dan likes to say Jakob is surfing, ha! Listening to some tunes and enjoying the night Little man practicing sitting up Time to pick berries! The boys.  You can see the top of Wyatt's little mohawk sticking out of Greg's Baby Bjorn.