
Showing posts from February, 2014

Playing with Eli

We match! We are such sweet little men and good friends Not only do we share chairs, but also books

Rising, Shining, and Eating!

Saturday morning we took Jakob to On the Rise in Richmond for breakfast.  Although we've never had a terrible dining experience with Jakob, we also hadn't been rushing to take him out for meals in recent months either.  That being said, OTR is a family-friend place with excellent food, so we gave it a whirl.  Jakob had fun cruising around the restaurant, playing with their puzzles, and eating off our plates. Tough choices when everything looks so tasty I love doing puzzles, especially new ones that I haven't tried before Don't be fooled by this look of concentration.  I've been busy eating and socializing too!

Counting the Days

Dan and I were thrilled when we realized Jakob's teachers at daycare had been teaching him the ABC song.  Sunday while taking a walk, Jakob showed us that he can count to ten.  Yesterday at the store he was saying something, and it took me a few minutes to realize it was "Monday."  I repeated the word back to him, and he started saying the other days of the week.  He doesn't do either fully or perfectly, but he can do it with some encouragement.  Way to go Play Care Center for doing such a good job with our little guy!

Milk's Favorite Cookie

I love Oreos I'm not afraid to get totally messy eating them Mmm, finger licking good Wash it down with a big gulp of milk

Back to Echo

We headed back to Echo last Sunday morning since I missed the trip the week before.  Even though Jakob had just been there a few days earlier, he still had a blast running around and enjoying the exhibits. I love cats, even this weird one in the mirror I shoot... ...I score!   So much to see and do Take me over there, Daddy MOO You can take me to an aquarium, but I'll still get most excited about the cow statue Can we come back next week?

Car Wash

My first time going through a car wash I'm not sure what to think of this

Winter Festival

Last Saturday was the Winter Festival in Huntington.  Dan went over early to help set up and to volunteer for the Fire Department.  Jakob is still a bit young for most of the activities and games (although he was VERY interested in the bouncy house), but we had fun going for a ride in the UTV, watching the older kids, and having some snacks. Taking Daddy for a walk What do these buttons do?  I'm going to push them and find out. UTV ride!! Daddy is letting me honk the horn as much as I want I want to honk the horn A LOT Time for some snacks in the cafeteria Time to head home with my head covered by Mommy's hat


Going outside for a walk with Mommy and Daddy when it's warm (upper 30s) makes me happy

Reading with Eli

I'm showing Eli all the little animals in my farm book He's a captive audience!

Waders H

I need to hang on tight while I put Daddy's waders on Thigh high!

Fix It

It's tool time! Want me to fix that leaky sink? Feel free to check my references, but I think the quality of my work speaks for itself It can't be all work and no play

Hanging in Huntington

Daddy and I are enjoying some time in the ambulance We are handsome men! I'm off to the rescue! Time to check out the packaging shed Bubble wrap and! I think you know where we're headed next The cool kids sit at the back of the bus Time to exit What a nice day for a walk

Krispie Hearts

I made pink rice krispie treats with little hearts on them for Jakob's Valentine's Day party at daycare on Friday.  Unfortunately, we were in the midst of getting 20 inches of snow when the party was supposed to take place, so we're going to have to eat them all ourselves.  Wait, that's not unfortunate at all.  :-) I'm not Martha Stewart, but I think the kiddos would have enjoyed these

Goofiness in the Morning

Daddy's boots are a little big on me Stomp! I'm pretending this diaper box is a train

Happy Valentine's Day

Dan brought home a big, heart-shaped balloon for Jakob for Valentine's Day, and he loved it!  We hope all of you have lots of love in your lives today and every day! I love chasing and dragging my balloon around the house Kenya is interested in the string too Up, up, up... ...and away it goes! Happy Valentine's Day!