
Showing posts from March, 2017

While the Boys Were Away

Sorry for the lack of posts this week, we've been hit hard by the flu virus.  Here are some pictures from the time Everleigh and I had together when Jakob and Dan were in CT.

CT Fun


Train to CT

Jakob didn't have school last Friday, so he and Dan took a train ride from Waterbury, VT to Springfield, MA, where Aunt Karen and Grandma Janelle picked them up.  It was only an overnight visit, but they had tons of fun celebrating Dan's birthday, taking a trip to Toys R Us, and playing outside.  Jakob loved making friends with other passengers (even the ones trying to sleep, ha) and crew!

New Format

Google suggested I try their new formatting out.  Make sure you click on the "KEEP READING" link below the big picture to see other pictures in each post.  I may switch back...not sure I like it (or I just don't like change)....

So This is Why Our Birdfeeders are Always Empty!


Happy 36th Birthday, Daddy!

Jakob and Everleigh had a great time making cupcakes yesterday for Daddy's birthday today.  Jakob and Dan did some early celebrating during a quick trip to CT earlier in the weekend, and last night Carrie made Dan's favorite - lasagna - for another celebration of Dan the Man.  This coming weekend we have date night and will be going to a swanky restaurant in Burlington for dinner and drinks.  All that celebrating is, of course, just a fraction of what the best father and husband in the world deserves, but hopefully he knows how loved he is by all of our family and friends, and especially by me and the kids.  Happy birthday!!!

Happy St. Pat's!

The kids awoke this morning to find that little leprechauns had visited and left green coins all around the house.  Everleigh wasn't feeling much in the mood for hoarding funds this morning, which was just fine by Jakob, who was more than happy to find and collect all the loot.  They looked super cute in their Irish shirts too!