
Showing posts from 2016

Thinking of UB and Polar Express

I'm in need of comic relief today as Uncle Brian is undergoing open heart surgery (it's going well!!!), and our thoughts are in Boston with him and Aunt Kim.  Fortunately, Jakob's teacher forwarded a picture of his class in their pj's after they finished reading The Polar Express.  I can't stop laughing...everything about this picture is happy and silly and cute.  Just what the doctor ordered!

Peter Rabbit at The Flynn

Jakob had a surprise field trip to The Flynn in Burlington this morning to see a live production of Peter Rabbit.  According to his teacher, the kids all had a blast!

Reasons to be Thankful - Family and Friends

We have countless reasons to be thankful each and every day of the year, and on top of the list are our family and friends.  Here are Jakob and Celdric in matching footie pajamas at school today, and pictures of Everleigh with Cecily and Dan from our evening at the Gilmans last Sunday.  Love of love!

Everleigh's School Pictures and Hope for the Future

As I continue to try to come to terms with my disbelief at the results of last night's election, I'm comforted by the fact that I have two kind, out-going, caring children to whom we will continue to preach the importance of compassion, understanding, and patience.  No matter what dark days may or may not come thanks to the election, I'm confident that the future generation will continue the trend of acceptance of all races, genders, sexual orientations, and religions that the last eight years ushered in.  Our next leader may continue his messages of fear and hatred, but we will not allow that negativity to seep into our home and fester in the hearts and souls of our most precious assets.   In that vein, here are Everleigh's school photos.  The innocence and joy in her eyes and smile lift my mood and give me hope for the future.  In the immortal words of Whitney Houston, "I believe the children are our future.  Teach them well, and let them lead the way.  Show

Preschool Vote

From Jakob's teacher, Nikki: Hi All! Friends really wanted to vote today! Some friends had gone with mom or dad this morning and were sad they couldn't vote.  We voted about going to the forts after the playground and whether we like the gym or playground better! We went to the forts after the playground!

Selfies and Snuggles




Red Mill

I'm so far behind with pictures that I can't even remember whether I've posted some of these.  Sorry for duplicates!

Everleigh and the Greenest Pumpkin Ever

Everleigh went to the pumpkin patch with her class yesterday for a field trip.  As you can see, she chose a pumpkin that's greener than any crayon Crayola has made.  This little lady marches to her own beat, and we couldn't be prouder!

Everleigh's Field Trip to the Apple Orchard on September 21

Clearly a huge success (she's with her super cute and sweet friends Cora and Charlotte here):

Jakob's Apple Picking Field Trip!

Jakob's class had a blast picking apples yesterday!

Heather and Mark's Visit, Part 2

When you visit Vermont in the summer from Texas, maple creemees are absolutely on the to-do list!

Heather and Mark Visited!

Everleigh and Jakob LOVED spending time with Aunt Heather and Uncle Mark.  As it always is, the visit was too short, but it was such a blast to see them.  Everleigh in particular took a keen liking to her aunt and uncle.  <3

Popping Water Balloons
