
Showing posts from October, 2015

Sand Box Fun


This Can't Be Safe


Expo Part 3

Jakob was sick at the time, but as good parents we forced him to go on some rides anyway.  Notice how happy he looks about it.

Expo Part 2


Champlain Valley Expo


Raspberry Picking

End of summer pictures begin with some delicious berry picking!

Major Updates: New Daycare, Lyme Carditis, Vacation!

Wow, over three weeks without a blog post!  In my defense, things have been completely insane for our family over the past month.  We received new in early September that Play Care's buyer fell through for the business, so even though they planned to stay open indefinitely, we made the incredibly difficult choice to change the kids' daycare.  Jakob now attends preschool at Jericho Elementary (run through the YMCA), and he's doing wonderfully.  It's exciting that he's at his first real school, and his exposure to older kids (3 to 5 years old) is a major benefit to him.  I was definitely worried about his transition, but he's handled it really well.  Most mornings he asks to go to school, and he loves the bigger playground and the cool things they do like go on field trips and use the library ("It's right down the hall!").  Everleigh's transition was seamless, and she appears to be very happy in her new surroundings.  She had a very tough stretch...

Everleigh Milestone: Top Canine Teeth

This is approximately when they came through...little munchkin isn't too keen on letting me feel around her mouth for them.  These have been the toughest teeth so far for Everleigh.  Lots of nighttime wakings, lots of screaming during those wakings, lots of minutes involved in getting her back to sleep during those wakings.  But we're getting close to the end of teething, so chomp on little lady!

Bouncy House

Actually, it was shaped like a skid steer loader.  :-)