
Showing posts from February, 2015

Valentine's Day Gifts

Grandma and Grandpa Janelle and Aunt Karen came for a visit over Valentine's Day weekend.  It was awesome to have Aunt Karen stay with us, although the visit was way too short.  Great Grandma sent a few presents up for the kids, which Jakob enjoyed opening. What's in here?  Is this from Santa? How did Cupid know I love M&Ms?! And trucks!!! I like my new baby doll, but for now I'm going to entertain myself with some baby yoga poses

Jakob's First Professional Haircut!

Dan took Jakob to get his hair professionally cut for the first time on Valentine's Day.  He had gotten Jakob a new police car with cool lights and sounds right before it, and Jakob liked playing with it as he sat in the big chair.  He was perfectly behaved the whole time, even though he didn't particularly like it when the hair dresser sprayed his hair with the water bottle.  The end result came out great, and it makes him look like such a handsome little boy! I'm ready for a big boy hair cutting experience This is not my favorite part  I'm pushing buttons on my car while this lady snips my hair Time for layering the top Look at me being such a good boy!

A Few of Everleigh's Favorite Things

I love to sit and play I love my brother most of all I also love to feed myself

Everleigh's First Valentine's Day

Such a lovely Valentine from our sweetie Covered in hearts and covered in blackberry juice! Everleigh (and Kenya) love sitting right next to the wood stove

Klean Kanteen and the Traffic

This water bottle is great!  But I'm still having fun. Whew, look at Jakob's long line of cars! That's a lot of traffic!

Cookie Bars

Jakob has been enjoying baking lately, especially when the baking involves using the hand mixer.  It's been a fun way for us to fill some time in the mornings when Everleigh is sleeping, and hopefully it's teaching him about how food ends up on his plate in its finished form. I've got my apron and everything I need to make cookie bars Adding the sugar Mixing time!  My favorite! Patting the mix into the pan is fun too Behold the finished product Taste testing ...  It's GOOD!



Everleigh Milestone: Clapping!

This is another fun milestone!  Every time you say "yay" and smile at her, Everleigh starts smiling and clapping.  It's amazing how quickly she's growing up.

Truck Decals

Aunt Jaimie and Uncle Travis recently decorated their nursery with some lovely farm animal decals (now all we need is the baby!!!)  They surprised Jakob by sending him a set of construction truck decals for his walls, and he LOVES them! I like the mixer truck best These look fabulous above my bed Look how excited I am!  It's a miracle I slept the night we put these up! I'm equally excited about chewing on Elmo's foot I like to count my awesome new trucks

Dressed and Ready to Go

Am I ready for daycare or prom? I'm ready to go, and so is Filmore!

Everleigh is 9 Months!

Already time for another set of my birthday pictures? Sounds good to me! Hooray, Jakob is joining me on the couch! "Ba ba ba ba ba...." This was as good as Mommy could do this morning with both of us in the frame

Bagels...Everleigh's New Favorite Food

Everleigh has been loving pieces of bagels lately.  I don't think she actually eats any, but she loves gumming them and then throwing them to Holden. I'm so happy to have another chunk of bagel in my hand Nom nom nom Hold on a second, I need to wash this down Good times Sharing bagels and raspberries Hooray for the bagel!

First Snowshoe of 2015 (and Everleigh's First Ever!)

A few days ago we had warm temps in the teens (it's all relative, and this has been a frigid winter), so we strapped on our snowshoes and took the kids out for a walk around the fields.  It felt so good to get a little bit of exercise...or a LOT of exercise, as it's hard work to snowshoe in deep snow when you're carrying a child! I'm as ready as I'll ever be Mommy's feet look funny I'll go for a walk in the snow as long as I'm on Daddy's shoulders There's a first time for everything!