Happy first birthday, Jakob Daniel! Before you were born, it was Daddy and me, and we had each other. Then you came into the world one year ago, and we had you. Now we have everything. Also before you were born, everyone told me to enjoy every moment because you'd grow up so quickly. I got a lot of advice while I was pregnant, but thank goodness I heeded that particular one. In just one year, your Daddy and I have watched you grow from a 5.5 pound peanut into a joyful, adventurous, loving little boy. It's incredible to look back at the early blog posts and compare your early days with what you've become. Every day you make us so proud. It seems like you're able to identify new animals, figure out a challenge, make a new sound, or get even closer to taking your first steps on a daily basis. You're going to get lots of fun presents for your birthday from people who love you. Believe me, little one, you've got a devoted group of fa...