
Showing posts from May, 2012

Real men appreciate flowers

This photo shoot was actually Dan's idea because the irises and peonies bloomed today! Peonies the size of Jakob's head The irises are rather large too.  Jakob was clearly not that excited about these pictures.  :-)

One Month!

Jakob turned one month yesterday, May 29th!  He had a great weigh in visit at the doctor's too.  In two weeks, he gained 24 ounces and now weights 8 pounds, 2.5 ounces.  He grew in length one inch to 20.75 inches, and his head gained 2.5 cm in circumference!

Memorial Day

Much more relaxed during this bath   Chilling out while propped against Daddy's legs Looking hungry again

Four Weeks Old!

Jakob turned four weeks old on Sunday!  In honor of the milestone, here's a gratuitously large number of pictures in his Mommy's Little Allstar onesie.

Grandma and Grandpa Janelle and BabShelburne Farms

Grandma and Grandpa Janelle came to visit us for part of Memorial Day weekend.  Jakob was so happy to see them again, and I think it's safe to say to feeling was mutual. On Saturday, we took Jakob to Shelburne Farms for a walk to enjoy the beautiful day.  He seemed to really like the tractor rides and the breeze off the lake.  It was wonderful to walk with him somewhere new for a change of scenery! Baby's first tractor ride   Checking out the piglets At the barn Relaxing in Adirondack chairs at the Inn

Mornings with Mommy

This morning, Jakob and I enjoyed some reading and a stroll through town. Jakob loved the colorful book Ready to cruise around town

We hate work mornings

Saying goodbye to Dan in the mornings is the worst part of our day (although when he comes home, it's one of the very happiest moments), so Dan likes to get some extra time with Jakob before he heads off to work.  As you can see from these pictures and the video, it's such a sweet time for both my guys!

Bath time!

Sunday evening we gave Jakob his first official bath.  As you can see from the pictures, it wasn't exactly his favorite thing.  Maybe next time he'll enjoy it a bit more.  :-) Not Jakob's happiest moment Although he did settle down quickly, as always :-) The setup


Meeting Grandma and Grandpa Hall!

Jakob got to spend a lot of quality time snuggling with Grandma and Grandpa Hall this weekend.  We had beautiful weather, so there was a lot of outdoor time.  They took him to a local greenhouse and to Huntington Village for errands too.  So much fun! Getting more alert and curious   Handsome profile shot Biiiiig yawn Meeting Grandma and Grandpa! Bonding time So comfy

Big day!

Look who found his thumb today!

The loves of my life

Dan's top priority when he walks in the door from work Such a snuggle bug

Ready for a walk!

Alternate blog title: Jakob wears pants for the first time.  :-)

Baby (App) Gap

After a lovely brunch with at the Gilmans' house in Moretown, we stopped at the top of the Appalachian Gap (a.k.a. the App Gap) on the way back to Huntington to enjoy the view.  Don't worry, I had a kung fu death grip on his car seat!

Strolling in Middlebury

We took Jakob for his first non-doctor's visit outing to Middlebury yesterday for a few hours.  He loved the card ride and strolling around town! Car rides make me sleepy. Actually, so do walks in my stroller.

A Mother's Love

     After two perfectly imperfect, blissfully chaotic, and absolutely unforgettable weeks of being a mommy (happy two week birthday, sweet Jakob!), I feel so blessed and thankful to fully understand the depth of a mother's love.  In honor of Mother's Day, I'm borrowing and slightly modifying the words of a card I received last week (thanks Hallmark), which I think sums up my joy better than I ever could:      Someday he'll be a strong confident man, but I'll always remember the first time I held him in my arms.      Someday he'll have his own hopes and dreams, not knowing that once upon a quiet time, I closed my eyes and dreamed to have him in my life. Happy Mother's Day to all the mommy's out there!!  xoxoxo

Morning snuggles

Sleepy time smiles Where did he get the dimple in his chin?  Neither Dan nor I has it, and we can't think of any immediate relatives with it either.  Regardless, we love it! Much more time awake these last couple of days Doing his best Zoolander impression.  I think this might be Blue Steel.