
Showing posts from June, 2019

Jakob's Opening Day

Browns River Little League has a rule that Jakob's age group and below can't use MLB names for their teams.  Because Jakob loves the Red Sox and he had two other classmates from his Spanish class on the team, he suggested (wisely and cleverly, might I add) that they call themselves the Rojo Calcetines.  That translates to...Red Sox.  :-)  They were a great team, probably the best of the four.  It was incredible to see the progress from last year to this year, and even from the start to the end of the season.  And, wow, they were passionate about it!

Everleigh's Opening Day

The baseball season is already in the books, but the pictures are still fun to look at.  Between the two practices per week and the 4 hours we would spend at JES on Saturdays between both games, it was a lot of baseball time.  But compared to last year, Everleigh did a fantastic job.  She was able to focus on the game much more, and there were very few times when Dan or I would have to be on the field to keep her in the game.  Way to go, E!            

Post-Swim Pizza, Cake, and Presents


Kids' Pool Birthday Party

We decided to do one party again this year, so each kid got to invite 10ish friends to the pool.  Grandpa Janelle came up to help, and it was so fun to have him there for it!  All the kids had a blast swimming and playing in the was a huge success.