
Showing posts from February, 2019

"A Day Filled with Friendship and Laughter"

That's how Jakob's teacher described their celebrations yesterday.  I love that!  And Everleigh had a fantastic time at her Valentine's Day party too. Jakob and Myles made a see-saw out of a split tree trunk and a big stick they found   

Happy Valentine's Day!




Riding the T-Bar

Here's a picture taken by Gavin's mom during a trip up the big hill on the T-bar at Cochran's this week during their school-day lesson.  (The other friend in the picture is Emmett.)  We're so proud of how much Jakob has improved in so short a time, and how brave and dedicated he's been to learning a new (and very challenging!) skill!

Skiing Lessons

On Friday evenings after school, Jakob is taking skiing lessons at a ski slope in Richmond.  It's owned by the family of his classmate Charlie, and their focus is on teaching people (it's a very small mountain, so besides learning it isn't great for older kids or advanced skiers.)  It was a chilly 3 degrees on the first night, and Jakob definitely struggled moving around on the skis regardless of whether he was on flat ground, taking the rope tow up the hill, or skiing down.  Now, a few weeks in, he's basically a pro at the bunny hill and has gone down the bigger hill twice!  We're still working on controlling speed, but he's doing great with it!

Snow Day!


Hanging with Henry

Henry is one of Jakob's best friends, and they had a blast playing together.

Cutting All the Hairs


Cape Cod Christmas, Part 4
