
Showing posts from August, 2018

First Days Successes!!!

Everleigh's first day of Pre-K4 was Tuesday, and Jakob's first day of 1st grade was Wednesday.  They both had excellent first days!  The bus stop was chaotically fun, as usual.  I got a call Wednesday around 10:30 from the nurse's office (which was shocking because it wasn't even a half day before I heard from them), letting me know that Jakob had lost his other top front tooth.  Such a big week, and we're so proud of these kids! Everleigh on the bus...she didn't need help getting up the steps like last year! Everleigh peeking out the window The top of Jakob's head...he was too busy playing to bother looking out for us! End of the day smiles from our little pirate A new look for Jakob's end of the day smile...even cuter than ever!!!



Blueberry Picking


BBQ in Huntington


Dispatch, Part 2

That was one heckuva show!!!