
Showing posts from December, 2017

Merry Christmas from the Cutest Snowmen!


Recognizing our Blessings

During our Thanksfriendsmas gathering, my friend Stephanie and I randomly got on the topic of wanting to do some volunteer work with our sons.  For some reason, I've had the age of five in my mind as a good time to start enforcing the importance of recognizing how much we have to be thankful for and giving back to others in need.  But the idea of taking Jakob into a soup kitchen didn't feel quite age appropriate.  Steph had been thinking of signing Finn up to bake at the Ronald McDonald House in Burlington, but she was hesitant to try it alone.  Together we felt certain the kids would love it and it would be a fantastic experience.  Steph set it up, and I started talking to Jakob about how lucky we are and why I wanted us to try this out together.  I assured him there would be no sick kids at the house but that we might get to meet some of the families.  He didn't seem particularly interested, but he also didn't say no. Fast forward a couple of weeks...

Pig Tails!



We're missing Finn's younger sister, Molly, in this picture, but otherwise here's the one moment the kids were still during our Thanksfriendsmas celebration, ha!

Trimming the Tree

As usual, what Dan and I thought was an appropriately sized tree in the fields needed to be significantly trimmed when we got to the house.  But we're so happy with the tree, and it looks beautiful now that it's decorated!

Finding the Perfect Tree

We had tons of fun picking out our Christmas tree at a tree farm in Jericho.  There were so many beautiful trees that we had a hard time deciding, and it took over an hour.  The kids had a blast running up and down the rows and pulling each other on the sled.  They especially liked drinking hot chocolate at the end!

Staring to Decorate for Christmas


Thanksgiving, Part 4


Thanksgiving, Part 3
