
Showing posts from September, 2015

Elias's Birthday Bash

Jakob's buddy Elias turned 3 in early September, but his birthday party was in early August (yup, that's how far behind I am with our pictures.)  Their other friend from PlayCare, Asher, was there, as well as some other seriously great kiddos.  Everleigh's classmate Logan - Asher's younger brother - was a great playmate as well. Elias's father is a farmer, and he's got the most amazing system of greenhouses on their property.  They gave us a tour of one of the ones they use to grow tomatoes, and I've never seen anything like it.  If heaven is a green house, it looks like this one.  Jakob took a little time adjusting to everything at the party, but once we got in the greenhouse, he took off with Elias's father to explore and sample.  Those tomatoes were out of this world! The other big event at the party was a bouncy house, which neither Jakob nor Everleigh had ever done before.  Let's just say that we eventually had to turn off the motor to the f

Rub-a-Dub-Dub, Two Little Ladies in a Tub



This seemed like a good idea.  Everleigh's expression in the last one really sums it up nicely.  Ha!

They Love the Crate



Like clubbing, but for the underage group.

Tomato Time

Nothing beats tomatoes fresh the garden, and both Jakob and Everleigh love them!  We have such a short growing season up here, but it's so much fun watching them run to the tomato plants and chow down on the ripe (and not so ripe) ones.


Jakob loves bagels.  Grandma and Grandpa Janelle visited this past weekend and brought some up for breakfasts, and Jakob had at least a half every day.  The other night he wanted one for a snack, so I asked if he wanted a cinnamon raisin one.  He responded "No, I want the Sesame Street kind."  So funny!

Jakob in New York

Not THAT'S a happy kid!

Painting Everleigh's Toenails

This counts as a milestone in a little girl's life, right?!  :-)  She sat surprisingly still for the whole time I was painting her nails.

Mommy and Everleigh Weekend

Everleigh is such a terrible traveler.  If the trip is any longer than 3 minutes, she spends the vast majority of the remainder screaming.  It's seriously unpleasant.  Because of that, she and I stayed home in mid-August when Dan and Jakob went to Hamilton to see the Halls.  She and I spent Saturday morning at Oakledge Park in Burlington, playing in the sand and water and strolling along the bike path.

Mills River Park

Ah, to be a kid and living in Vermont!  Jakob and Everleigh have no clue how lucky they are to be surrounded by unparalleled natural beauty, although I'm sure they'll appreciate it when they get a bit older.  For now, they just know that they love exploring new parks.  We discovered Mills River Park a month ago just a few miles from our house.  Sorry for the photo dump of similar pictures, but the ones of Everleigh in the field are just too stunning to skip.  It was such a perfect day! 

Playtime and Flatbread with Aunt Karen


Everleigh Milestone: "Apple"

Our little lady said apple this morning, while happily gnawing on one she and her Daddy picked from our trees.  She's been "saying" dog and cat for a little while now, and she occasionally will make a "woof" sound while pointing at the dog.  She's also getting interested in identifying facial features, especially the eyes (this is a good and a bad thing, sometimes she manages to get her fingers in before you can close your eyes!)  She also will say "eye" while gouging one out.  :-)  She's working hard on developing words, and it's very exciting!!

Lollipop Love


More from Early July


Waiting for Pizza
