
Showing posts from July, 2015


Got to love warm summer weather!  We've been spending lots of time on the shores of Lake Champlain and the Waterbury Reservoir and playing in sprinklers.  As you can see, Jakob absolutely loves the sprinkler.  Everleigh...well, not so much.  This might make me a slightly bad parent, but I can't stop laughing at the last picture in this post.

Even More Punching Balloons


Walking With Punching Balloons

Ha, they look so big compared to her tiny body.  I still can't believe she was able to walk around with them in both hands!

Water Balloons

Grandma Janelle also brought water balloons, which both kids LOVED.  Jakob got such a kick out of throwing them onto the ground and watching them pop.  Maybe it was a good thing he wasn't all that into having them pop on people, haha!  But it meant Grandma was in high demand as she was the one filling the balloons at a fast and furious pace.  Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures of Jakob with the balloons (probably because he would throw them immediately after getting them) but here's a not great one of Everleigh:


Grandma Janelle came up for a mid-week visit a couple of weeks ago to help Dan and I out with the kids before and after daycare.  It was such a welcome relief to have an extra set of hands, and I was thrilled to get a break from meal planning, prepping, and cooking for three nights!  Grandma brought up a bag of punching balloons, which I remember loving as a kid.  Turns out Everleigh loves them too!  She was just hitting her stride, so to speak, with walking that weekend (she's a pro now...amazing how it happens so quickly!), and it was hilarious to watch her stomp around holding two of the huge balloons.

So Fresh!

I look good in my romper, hat, and shade!

BBQ at the Gilmans'

Sprinkler time! I love a good sandbox We're making art We're almost ready to show off our project An impressive swirl I've got a ticket to ride

Tractor Time!

Daddy had the brilliant idea of hooking our wagon to the back of the tractor We love our tractor! Mommy gets a turn to drive

Fourth of July

We took the kids to the parade in Richmond for the Fourth of July.  Jakob loved running around on the playground before it started, then he was so happy to find his friends Henry and Finn to watch the parade with.  The parade was just perfect...15 minutes and almost entirely fire trucks. 

Everleigh's First "Ponytail"

It's better than nothing and super cute!

Last Pictures from our Time as Huntington Residents!

Bittersweet posting! Last trip through the backyard to the basketball court Dinner at the Vineyard (the Huntington Vineyard, that it!)

Just like Jakob

Watching Everleigh lay on the ground to watch the wheels on Jakob's truck turn reminds me so much of how Jakob used to (and sometime still does) play with his toys!    

Another From the Huntington House


More Oreos


Costco with Everleigh

Everleigh was all smiles for our trip to Costco.  I guess buying more to save more (and all those tasty samples) puts her in a good mood!

All Dressed Up


Painting the TV Room

Note to self part 2:  Never do back-to-back big painting projects.  Fortunately I'm also really happy with the way this one came out.  Not as fancy as Jakob's room, but the rich brown is much better than the "baby poop yellow" that it was previously.  (Sorry for the gross descriptor, but that's the most accurate description of the color!)