
Showing posts from 2015

Everleigh Loves the Train Station!


Jakob's November Sick Day

Not a bad way to spend a sick day!

Learning to Snowboard/ECHO

The first three days in November I had a work trip to NYC.  It was the first time I had ever been away from either or both kids, and it was rather delightful to stay in a posh hotel by myself.  I did, however, miss home like crazy while I was gone.  Fortunately Grandma Janelle came up to help Dan with the kids, and they had a fun visit to ECHO.

We Got a New Camera!!!

Higher quality pictures are soon to come!  Dan got me a new camera for Christmas, and it's a beauty.  It's a point and shoot, so I still need to figure out how to use it (and, perhaps, take it off the auto function), but it'll be worth the effort in terms of how much better the pictures will look.  Thanks, Dan!!!

Counsins Bath

Rub a dub dub, three babes in a tub!   

Cousinly Love

Nothing makes the holidays more special than family.  I can't describe in words how lovely it was to watch Jakob, Everleigh, and Mackenzie play together...truly the most heartwarming thing I've ever seen. 

Thanksgiving Part 6

Our little drummer girls.  (This time the cap was on tight...I learned from my earlier mistake!)

Thanksgiving Part 5

Jakob was very excited to show Aunt Jaimie and Uncle Travis his new school.  The playground was a big hit!

Thanksgiving Part 4

Molly and Chuck brought up a box full of old but perfect Duplos.  Jakob is obsessed, and all three kids enjoyed playing with them.

Thanksgiving Part 3

Everleigh LOVES a good mess.  Lots of "uh oh!" involved with this one.

Thanksgiving Part 2

Everleigh was more than happy to show her baby cousin how to make a proper mess.  I'm thinking these two will make lots of mischief together in just a few years! :-)  

Thanksgiving 2015

We had lots to be thankful for this year, and for Thanksgiving we were particularly thankful that we could host some of the Hall family.  Travis, Jaimie, and Mackenzie stayed with us at the house, and Chuck and Molly had a hotel room just a few minutes away.  The food was plentiful and delicious (Dan and Travis fried the one yet!), the Chex Mix was always present, and the kids had a blast playing with each other.  Now that Kenzie is able to sit on her own and crawl around, it was playtime all the time!

Thanksgiving Part 6


A Normal Tuesday Night

A quick picture of Everleigh being a goofball with Jakob's underwear a couple of nights ago.  Pretty typical behavior in our house.  :-)

Star Power
