
Showing posts from January, 2013

9 Month Appointment

We had Jakob's 9 month doctor's appointment today, and it went great.  We switched to a pediatrician closer to our house, even though we loved our first pediatrician, and she was wonderful.  Jakob is now 28 inches (grew 1 inch since his last appointment), 18 pounds and 11 ounces (up 2 pounds, 3 ounces) and his head grew as well, although I forgot how big she said it is.  According to the doctor, he is "thriving."  Keep up the good work, little man! I'm going to need some real suspenders if my tummy gets any bigger "Da da da da da...." Feeling alert and ready to meet my new doctor


Dan called this outfit "the boxer."  It is rather sporty looking. Stretching.  I don't want to pull a hammy. When does training begin? Get ready for my right hook YO...ADRIAN!!

9 Months!

Today is Jakob's 9 month birthday!  He had a great day today...lots of eating, what they called an "awesome" day at daycare (including a nap while he was there...a birthday miracle!), and playtime at home before a fun bath. I'm getting bigger and bigger every day Move over, Mr. Bear.   Cover your eyes, Mr. Bear!  I don't want the flashbulb to hurt them. It's my special day, so I get a close up all to myself Even a silly hat can't dampen my spirits today

Ice Skating

We took Jakob ice skating for the first time on Sunday!  Dan is still a skating pro, I managed not to fall and break a leg, and Jakob seemed amused by the whole experience. Do they make skates in my size? Faster, Daddy! Mommy looks pretty shaky on her skates over there I'm going to follow in Daddy's footsteps and be a great hockey player

Baby Brunch

Each year, the Huntington Town Library throws a baby brunch to celebrate all the babies that were born the year before.  Besides the chance to meet Jakob's future classmates and their parents, which was wonderful, we got to pick a new book that would be dedicated in Jakob's name.  We ended up choosing an ABC book that's funny and features a moose. Don't I look handsome for our brunch? I bet I'll see some of my daycare buddies! I wish we could take Kenya to the library

Hanging with Emmett

Otto, Sasha, and Emmett came to visit us for dinner last night.  Jakob loved watching Emmett run around, and he even "talked" back a bit when Emmett talked to him.  There were a lot of really sweet moments with the two of them, but unfortunately I never had the camera ready for them. Emmett is showing me how to roll, crawl, and run   Thanks for visiting with me!


Sure has been refreshing outside lately!  We can't stay cooped up inside all the time, so we bundled Jakob up yesterday and took him for a short walk. Take me outside!  I need some fresh air! I also need a teething toy It's go time

-25 Degrees

That's the temperature we woke up to this morning.  Needless to say, it was another day of playing indoors and keeping warm here in Huntington. I'm kicking it old school with my mini boom box Mommy, I think I'm heading into another round of teething I might have another 9+ months of teething?!  I don't want to hear that.  I'm going to crank the tunes to drown out that crazy talk. Look at me help Mommy with my snack of bananas!

The Little Professor

That's what they told me they called Jakob all day today at daycare.  He had a little grey vest on over his button-down, and it really completed the look. It's HOW COLD outside?! I'll wait here with Kenya while you get the car warmed up Tomorrow Mommy and I can spend the day snuggling in front of the fire to stay warm My first painting at daycare, and two mini-pictures of me creating it.  Mommy and Daddy are so proud!


Here are a couple from MLK Day.  We took Jakob swimming for the second and third time this weekend, and he had a blast.  Apparently a love of the water is genetic. I'm not monkeying around.  It's time to go back to the pool! Mommy is so happy because she didn't have to go to work this Monday

Feeling Fuzzy

Taking a page out of Aunt Karen's book (she loves to "give" Jakob hair by draping some of hers over his bald little head), Kenya decided to do her best to keep Jakob warm during the arctic blast. I feel something warm and fuzzy on my side... Perhaps, but do you think the gray ages me prematurely or makes me George Clooney-esque? You make me happy, Kenya

38 Weeks

Today marks another big milestone that only neurotic mommies like me would celebrate.  Jakob is 38 weeks today.  That means he's been alive, growing, and making our lives infinitely more joyous on a daily basis for as long as he was alive, growing, and making my body infinitely larger on a daily basis when I was pregnant.  I loved being pregnant, but let's just say the past 38 weeks have been more wonderful than the previous 38. Daddy and I are being silly with my ball HAHAHA!  I love playing! Check out these chompers Today has been so much fun!


Friday was absolutely frigid, so Jakob and I were forced to stay inside for most the day.  Not a problem, as there's always something fun to do! I'm moved on to feeding myself these days Too bad Mommy won't put food on my spoon yet Something doesn't feel right about this positioning... Gimme that tongue Doggie gave me kisses! It's shocking how much I love to bounce Cheeeeeese!

More Bath Time Fun

I was a splishing and a'splashing!